Halloween photo contest
Win a cool spooky QHP-set for Halloween worth 100 euros!
Aranypatkó Lovasbolt/Golden Horseshoe Equestrian Store's photo contest:
1. Make a Halloween-inspired selfie with your favourite horse (Halloween-motifs and colours should appear in the photo).
2. Follow us both on Facebook and on Instagram!
3. Share your Halloween-photo on your Facebook and Instagram pages by tagging us, Aranypatkó Lovasbolt in your post,
so that we get notified, and we can share your photo on our pages.
One rider can apply with only one horse and one photo!
Prize: QHP Halloween-set worth 40.000,- HUF (~100 EUR)!
Content of the set:
- 1 trendy mustard colour QHP Florence saddle pad & matching tendon boots
- 1 QHP helmet cover "Bat" + matching whip